Roller Canary Heredity
Tuesday, 27 October 2009

ImageIn pairing our rollers to enhance the quality of their song, one of the principle factors to consider is the depth and tone of the stock to be used. All birds should have at least one of these qualities bred into them so that with the blending of the strains a composite may be reached so that our future show birds will have resemblance of the inherited song.

Training and tutoring plays a large part in the development of any Roller, without which we cannot begin to see or hear any of our calculated matings. There are theories that might dispute training and tutoring, but we must realize that our present day Roller is a manufactured bird with many possible song directions. It must be our aim to direct our young birds in song so that in the course of many years they will have developed an inherited factor that will enable to better mimic their tutors. This may be rather difficult to understand at first, but if the breeding specimens are carefully selected birds that have absorbed their schooling, a second generation can be better qualified to learn the original training and tutoring. Practicing these formats can save years of work that would otherwise be fruitless. Hit and miss breeding is Russian roulette. It is wiser to breed fewer birds that will respond to our desires than to resort to indiscriminate blood refreshment.

Heredity is an important part of our program, but the environment has been the major role played in the development of any species. Careful study of our stock after the show season will better tell us the real value of our accomplishments.

Pedigrees play a part in breeding of Rollers but without the trained ear of a master, the wrong selections can be made for your breeding program. It is wise to get your Rollers into top condition, show the best birds, and use the judgment of the Roller judge to better guide you. It is by far the most inexpensive way to have your bird evaluated.

Of course we must realize that there are more important parts of the Roller song that are not visible on the score sheet; namely, tone, which is all important to establish within a strain that we are trying to perfect.

We have covered a portion of the requirements in the breeding of fine Rollers. It may seem complex but with systematic methods and minimum of birds bred, your problems would be fewer and more easily adjusted.

This past year I have given the fancy an experiment to try on their own birds. That is to give three nest brothers different environments and compare the results. I have done this and with great success, even though a very costly one, as one of the three birds is a worthless Roller. It will take considerable work on my part to correct the damage done to the near-ruined specimen. At no time will he have the value of his two brothers.

There are just as important obligations on our part in the feeding program. We must be aware that all Rollers are bred under different feeding methods and we must adjust to this until the new birds have adopted our methods. This is further proof that we must take care to introduce as few birds into our line as possible.

Established strains and families of Rollers are the only birds to consider to start with when endeavoring to introduce blood or to start a line of Rollers, for with these birds less variables will be encountered and the pleasure of the fruit of our labors can be heard. Experience and devotion are two requisites to the bettering of the present day Roller to the supreme master singer we are striving for.

May good fortune strike you this coming year.

Haig Sarkisian
March, 1974

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 27 October 2009 )